
Widgi Evenings

Those of us that are blessed to live in Bend, Oregon know just how great we have it. Just a few minutes outside of town is an oasis of rocks. Whether we have all day, or until just past dusk, the boulders out at Widgi will satisfy and delight. From working on projects to dyno sessions and dogs, rock grappling is at is finest in Central Oregon.


  1. AnonymousMay 10, 2010

    beautiful shots. oregon looks a stunning place to live.

  2. yeah yeah making me think about widgi and smith for the summer. it looks like we might be headed back around august so i might be able to get my cling on then. when are you headed to guatemala by the way and what for? also, for devn, did you enter the beard contest or what? send me an email at forbes5309@gmail.com yeah yeah chao chao!

  3. hey hey, are you guys going to post some more pictures? please do as i want to see what is happening with the farm!
